Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Names names!

R and I finally talked about names last night. We were having a blast with it, making each other laugh with the names we were coming up with. We were being a bit silly But honestly, this kid isn't going to have a name at the rate we are going. We have come up with 2 boys names that we really like and 1 girls name, but I'm not 100% on either of them. We are just far too picky. The names I like best, R doesn't, and vice versa. It's so hard to agree on a name. We'll have to come up with something though as this kid can't be nameless for the rest of his/her

Abby had her first dance class today and it was wonderful. I was standing there watching her and it just made my heart swell with joy and love to see her enjoying herself and doing all the actions. She lost her focus a few times and wanted to run around the room, but I think the more she goes the more she'll pay attention.

I made my first slow cooker meal ever! It's great to chuck stuff in the slow cooker in the morning and by supper time you have a lovely meal. Takes the 4 o'clock stress out. The slow cooker was probably one of the best buys I've made in a while. I think it will really benefit our family. Anyway, I made Salsa Chicken and Kidney Bean soup thanks to a recipe I found online. It was yummy! I had two bowls and am stuffed. Big thumbs up to my slow cooker though, I think I'm in

Thursday, 16 April 2009

16 wks pg today!

I'm 16wks pregnant today!! Can't believe it's going so fast. I woke up this morning and my belly was showing from underneath from shirt and Micah started to pet my belly and said "Baby". Then Abby said "I want to kiss her" (she thinks it's a girl) and gave my belly a kiss and cuddle. Then Micah did the same. It was a wonderful start to my day.

I had a midwife appt today. Just routine bloods and stuff. I declined the spina bifida and down syndrome screening as I see no point in me getting it. I wouldn't abort the baby if it did have one of those conditions anyway so what's the point in maybe getting a letter that will just make me worry. That happened to a friend of mine, she got a letter saying that her baby was at risk for spina bifida and she went for a scan and the baby was fine. So I told the midwife, "What's the point in getting the bloods taken to determine if you are at risk for these conditions, when at your 20wk scan they can tell the same thing but more detailed." She said that the only reason why they test for it at 16wks is to give people the opportunity to abort their babies if their baby does have one of these conditions. So yeah I declined it as I wouldn't kill my baby just because it wasn't perfectly healthy. Anyway, we heard the heartbeat which was beating really fast! And my midwife said that Abby can come next time and that she will let Abby help out and stuff. Abby will be so excited as she was asking me all day if she could come with me today, but since I was getting blood taken I told her no. But atleast she can come next time:)

Abby starts dance classes next week. She is super excited. She is going to have so much fun. Well, I better run as I'm off to the grocery store:)

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

And I'm in the blogging world!

I have been meaning to set up a blog for a while now but keep putting it off. So finally I did it. I can't wait to get "stuck in"!