This is totally going to be a rant, but seeing as it's my blog I'm allowed it...LOL.
Why do people feel the need to follow this "Baby wise" crap. It's just not natural at all. Forcing a baby onto YOUR schedule is rediculous. Why have a baby if you are just going to reject it's cries bcuz it doesn't fit in with YOUR schedule. A baby cries bcuz it's hungry, logical answer is to feed them. Baby cries because it's tired, logical answer is to get them to sleep, not leave them in a crib to cry on their own. How traumatizing for the poor wee toot. Sometimes a baby just wants the comfort of its mother but oh wait a minute that doesn't fit into YOUR schedule. And why the heck do people think that they must have a newborn sleeping through the night. It's a freaking baby for crying out loud, they feed often, they have tiny stomachs that don't necessarily fit into our schedules of feeding. Why have a baby if you are just going to try to fit it around YOU. The whole point of mothering a baby is meeting their needs, not them meeting yours. Get a grip people! I just feel so sad for all the babies that have to cry alone in their beds, that have to cry in hunger bcuz it hasn't been 3 or 4 hours yet, that don't get held as much by their parents bcuz advice is not to spoil them. IT IS A BABY!!!!
And someone made the comment that "a baby feels more secure when you set boundaries and limits". What a load of bull!! A baby feels secure when it's needs are met by its loving and nurturing mother and father. How can neglecting them and putting them on an un-natural schedule make them feel secure? How can leaving them to cry alone make them feel secure? How can not feeding them when they are hungry make them feel secure? How can not meeting their every need make them feel secure??? They are babies for goodness sake! A baby communicates its needs by crying, and we as mothers are supposed to meet those needs. Just let a baby be a BABY for crying out loud!
Just read this blog...I totally agree with not letting a baby cry, but I will defend the book Baby Wise. When things suggested in the book have worked when nothing else would. It doesn't tell you to stick to a strict schedule it actually gives really good advice concerning the balance. Which in my own observation has really worked with Eliza. Not to feed them every 4 hours and not to feed them every time they cry either... for a 1st time mommy you get advise from every direction of "how I did it"...and honestly that book was my saving grace! And is more practical than you made it sound on here. I never left her to cry. And I won't. Until she is a teenager and physically throws me out of her room. Just my piece.:0)
ReplyDeleteWell, I wasn't speaking of you in particular. I read of a lady online who left her newborn baby to cry for 2 hours straight and she was following the book. It's just not my way of parenting, but each to their own. Except for leaving a baby to cry, I just find that cruel:)
ReplyDeleteThat is cruel...2 hours! She wasn't following the book at all! If she says she was she wasn't reading it right. Poor baby I agree with that completely! I could never leave her to cry. There was obviously something wrong with that baby if he or she cried for 2 hours! What the heck!!! Shame...See you tonight!