Friday, 25 November 2011

The state of the world and the church!

I've been thinking a lot lately about the state of the world, the youth, and the church and sadly all of those are in a horrible state. I do candle parties to try and get a little extra money coming in. Through this job I meet a lot of people. When I go to parties I watch the people that are there, not in a creepy way. Most of the people I encounter party hard, live lives in sin, they are so lost and it's so sad. The young people are heavy drinkers, having sex, having babies etc. And most of all they care not that they are lost and without Christ. They love their sin and their lifestyles of partying. And you know what? The youth in the church aren't much different. It saddens me beyond belief, not only because so many people are lost and dying in their sins, but also because I have to raise my children in this horrible sin infested world. I keep pleading with God to save my children. It's my biggest hearts desire, to see my children born again and not only that but they all 3 of them would seek God with their whole lives. That they would never stray from Him or become worldly. That they would be beacons of light to this dark dark world. That they stand in the face of all of the temptation and blatant acts of sin and that they would not be moved! That they would give Jesus their whole lives and that they would be winners of souls! I really don't want to do anything that would hinder them coming to Christ or walking with them everyday of their lives! Please Jesus have mercy on my babies and save them and let them give their whole lives to you, that they would never be ensnared by this world, that they would never turn their backs on You but that they would always seek Your face! That they would always be obedient to You and that they would live lives of Holiness, and that their lives would be pleasing to You. I give you my babies Lord, that You would take them and use them for Your glory! Jesus, help me to be a mother who will show them how to live, a mother who's life and example will want to make them follow You and You alone! Lord, please don't let me do anything that would hinder them from coming to You and following You every day of their lives. Lord I also pray that You would give them Godly friends, surround them with friends that will help to keep them on the narrow road! Lord I pray that you would keep them from bad company that corrupts good morals. Lord keep them from people who will bring them down and cause them to turn away from You. Lord I also pray that you would give them Godly husbands and a Godly wife for Micah. Teach Rodney and I how to raise them for You, that they would seek You with their whole hearts! I love you God and I want them to love you too! Have mercy on my babies.

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